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The Secret Sauce to Skyrocket Your Brand's Visibility and Turn Customers into Raving Fans

How to Host Contests That Drive Engagement and Excitement

Hey Risers! 🚀✨ Imagine this: You're scrolling through your social media feed, minding your own business, when suddenly—BAM!—you see a contest so irresistible, your finger hits that "Enter Now" button faster than a caffeinated cheetah. Your heart races, palms get sweaty, and for a brief moment, you're consumed by the thrill of potentially winning. 

Now, picture your business being the mastermind behind that adrenaline rush. Imagine your brand name on everyone's lips, your engagement metrics shooting through the roof, and your customer base expanding faster than a marshmallow in a microwave. Sounds like a business fantasy, right? 

Well, buckle up, because I'm about to hand you the golden ticket to turning that fantasy into your new reality! 🎫💫 

In today's attention-starved digital jungle, hosting a killer contest is like wielding Thor's hammer in a pillow fight – you're simply operating on a whole different level of awesome. But here's the kicker: most businesses are approaching contests with all the strategy of a goldfish playing chess, leaving a trail of missed opportunities and "meh" results in their wake. 

Unfortunately... 😔 

The Contest Conundrum: Why Most Businesses Are Leaving Engagement on the Table 

Here's the cold, hard truth: most businesses are treating contests like a game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey – blindfolded, spinning in circles, and hoping to hit the target by sheer dumb luck. 

In a world where attention is the new currency, a lackluster contest is like showing up to a gunfight with a water balloon – you're just not equipped for success. 

Why do so many struggle to harness the power of contests? 

The Engagement Enigma: Why Your Contests Are Falling Flatter Than a Pancake in a Steam Roller 

  • Reason #1: They're treating contests like a one-size-fits-all t-shirt, forgetting that what works for selling sneakers might not work for accounting software.

  • Reason #2: They're stuck in a "set it and forget it" mentality, launching contests and then disappearing faster than a magician's rabbit.

  • Reason #3: They're creating prizes as exciting as watching paint dry, instead of offering something that makes participants' hearts race faster than a caffeinated hummingbird.

  • Reason #4: They're promoting their contests with all the enthusiasm of a sloth on sedatives, instead of shouting from the digital rooftops.

  • Reason #5: They're treating contest follow-up like a bad blind date, ghosting participants faster than you can say "thanks for entering." 

But don't start drafting your contest strategy's obituary just yet, my ambitious Riser! I'm about to hand you the keys to the contest kingdom. 👑🗝️ 

Get ready to leave your competitors in the dust as we dive into the step-by-step guide to crafting contests so compelling, they'll make even the most skeptical customers whip out their phones faster than you can say "viral engagement." 

Here's how, step by step: 

Step 1: Craft a Contest Concept That Makes Competitors Green with Envy 

First things first, you need to become the Picasso of contest creation, painting an engagement masterpiece that practically markets itself. 

This step is crucial because without a jaw-dropping contest concept, your engagement efforts are about as effective as a screen door on a submarine. 

Here's how to become the contest-crafting genius your business deserves: 

Design a Contest That Packs a Punch: 

  • Align your contest with your brand values and target audience interests

  • Create a unique twist that sets your contest apart (e.g., "The Upside-Down Selfie Challenge" for a fitness brand)

  • Ensure the entry process is easier than stealing candy from a baby (but, you know, more ethical)

Pro tip: Check out "50+ Amazing Social Media Contest Ideas and Examples " by Wishpond. It's like having a contest idea genie, minus the limited wishes and sneaky fine print. Also check out “Contest & Giveaway Rules Template to Write Your Own” by WooBox which is a must read before doing your own contest and giveaway. 

Use Power Words That Trigger FOMO: 

  • Incorporate phrases like "exclusive," "limited-time," and "once-in-a-lifetime"

  • Address specific desires ("Win Your Dream Vacation!")

  • Create a branded contest name (e.g., "The Ultimate Foodie Face-Off") 

Pro tip: Swipe Files has a great collection of power words to supercharge your contest language. Browse through "700+ Power Words That Engage and Convert" by OptinMonster. It's like having a thesaurus specifically for making money. 

Make It Crystal Clear: 

  • Use simple, jargon-free language a fifth-grader could understand

  • Break down the contest rules step-by-step

  • Provide FAQs that address common concerns 

Pro tip: Use the Hemingway Editor to ensure your contest description is clear and concise. It's like having Hemingway himself edit your copy, minus the bourbon and bullfighting. 

Step 2: Promote Your Contest Like It's the Last Ticket to Paradise 

Now, here's where many would-be contest champions crash and burn harder than a Hollywood stunt gone wrong – they approach their contest promotion with all the enthusiasm of a sloth on vacation. 

The mistake? 

Thinking that simply posting about their contest once on their least popular social media platform, where it's about as visible as a ninja in a coal mine, will somehow magically lead to viral engagement. 

Newsflash: in the contest game, visibility is your golden ticket to Engagement City, and a hidden contest is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. 

Here's how to promote your contest so effectively, it could make Times Square billboards jealous: 

Make Your Contest Unmissable: 

  • Feature it prominently on your website homepage

  • Create eye-catching graphics or videos showcasing your contest

  • Use email marketing to blast your subscriber list with contest excitement 

Pro tip: Check out Canva's Design School and take their free online video course for "Social Media Mastery” to make your contest visuals pop. It's like having a design degree, but without the student loans and existential crises. 

Leverage Multiple Channels: 

  • Create a dedicated hashtag for your contest

  • Partner with influencers to spread the word

  • Use paid advertising to target your ideal participants 

Pro tip: Use a tool like the RozenbergCRM to schedule and manage contest-focused content across multiple social media platforms. It's like having a personal assistant for your contest promotion, minus the coffee runs and scheduling headaches. 

Create a Buzz-Worthy Launch: 

  • Host a live stream event to kick off your contest

  • Offer early-bird prizes for the first X number of entrants

  • Create a countdown timer to build anticipation 

Pro tip: Read the free guide on "113 Types Of Content Marketing You Can Add To Your Calendar Now " by CoSchedule to get ideas on how to create hype and buzz for your contest launch. 

Step 3: Follow Up and Fuel the Fire of Engagement 

Here's the light at the end of the tunnel – once you nail your contest follow-up strategy, you'll have an engagement machine so effective, it'll make social media algorithms look like amateurs. 

Strategic follow-up is the secret sauce that turns good contests into great ones, and great ones into industry-dominating powerhouses. It's what separates the contest amateurs from the professionals, the dabblers from the masters, the one-hit wonders from the consistent engagement machines. 

How to level up your contest follow-up game: 

Keep the Momentum Going: 

  • Share user-generated content from participants

  • Provide regular updates on the contest's progress

  • Create anticipation for the winner announcement 

Pro tip: Use a tool like Walls.io to aggregate and display user-generated content from your contest. It's like having a virtual art gallery for your participants' creativity, minus the pretentious art critics and overpriced wine. 

Announce Winners with Flair: 

  • Host a live event to reveal the winners

  • Create a "Winner's Story" series highlighting the victors

  • Offer consolation prizes or discounts to non-winners 

Pro tip: Check out "Reaching Out to Your Winners Over Social Media " by Woobox for inspiration. It's like having a confetti cannon for your brain, sparking ideas that'll make your winner announcement unforgettable. 

Turn Contestants into Long-Term Fans: 

  • Nurture your new leads with targeted email campaigns

  • Create a special community or group for contest participants

  • Plan future contests and exclusive offers for past entrants 

Pro tip: Use a platform like the RozenbergCRM to create personalized email sequences for your contest participants. It's like having a mind-reading marketing robot, minus the creepy sci-fi vibes and world domination plans. 

Remember, Risers, a powerful contest isn't just a one-time engagement boost – it's a catapult. Used correctly, it can launch your brand into the stratosphere, turning your business into an engagement-generating, loyalty-building, industry-disrupting force that makes your competition look like they're still using carrier pigeons for marketing. 

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into contest mastery, start experimenting, and watch your engagement grow faster than a teenager's TikTok following. 

In the world of contest strategy, every entry is an opportunity to learn, improve, and drive your business goals forward. Don't be afraid to push the boundaries of what your contests can achieve. Experiment with unconventional formats, test outrageous prizes, and always keep your finger on the pulse of what truly excites your audience. 

Because at the end of the day, it's not about having the biggest prize – it's about creating the most memorable, shareable experience that keeps participants coming back for more. 

So go forth, Rise and implement your contest strategy with the confidence of a toddler in a superhero costume – sure of your invincibility, even if the occasional leap ends with a scraped knee. 

Your audience is waiting, and after reading this, you're armed and dangerous with the know-how to blow their minds, win their hearts, and most importantly, dominate your industry's engagement landscape. 

Until next week, keep rising, keep innovating, and most importantly, keep creating contests that turn your brand into the hottest ticket in town! 

Rise Above, Achieve Beyond 

Steve Rozenberg 

P.S. Remember, the only limit to your contest strategy is your creativity (and maybe your lawyer's patience). Now go out there and start creating a contest empire that engages, excites, and leaves your competition wondering if you've secretly discovered an engagement potion! 🚀💎🏆 

Your Comprehensive Step-By-Step Contest Domination Checklist: 

Pre-Contest Planning:

  • Define your contest goals and align them with business objectives

  • Develop detailed personas for your ideal participants

  • Conduct an audit of your previous contests (if any)

  • Analyze competitors' contest strategies

  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) for your contest 

Contest Development:

  • Craft a unique and engaging contest concept

  • Determine the optimal duration for your contest

  • Choose prizes that resonate with your target audience

  • Create a catchy, branded name for your contest

  • Develop clear, easy-to-understand rules and entry requirements 

Implementation and Promotion:

  • Update your website to prominently feature your contest

  • Create eye-catching graphics or videos for contest promotion

  • Develop an email marketing campaign to announce the contest

  • Plan a series of social media posts to promote the contest

  • Set up paid advertising campaigns to reach a wider audience

  • Partner with influencers or complementary brands for cross-promotion 

Execution and Engagement:

  • Launch your contest with a bang (e.g., live stream event)

  • Monitor and respond to participant questions and entries

  • Share user-generated content from contestants

  • Provide regular updates on contest progress

  • Create anticipation for winner announcement 

Follow-Up and Analysis:

  • Announce winners creatively (e.g., live reveal, video announcement)

  • Distribute prizes promptly and efficiently

  • Gather feedback from participants through surveys

  • Analyze contest performance metrics

  • Identify areas for improvement in future contests 

Post-Contest Nurturing:

  • Develop targeted email campaigns for contest participants

  • Create special offers or communities for past entrants

  • Plan future contests or exclusive events for your new audience

  • Showcase contest success stories in your marketing materials 

Legal and Compliance:

  • Consult with legal counsel to ensure contest compliance

  • Develop clear terms and conditions for your contest

  • Create a system for handling disputes or issues

  • Establish a process for reviewing and updating contest rules 

Team Integration:

  • Develop training materials on contest management for staff

  • Create scripts for customer service to handle contest-related inquiries

  • Establish roles and responsibilities for contest execution

  • Schedule regular team meetings to discuss contest progress and improvements 

Remember, contest domination is an ongoing process, not a one-time achievement. Stay creative, stay audience-focused, and always be ready to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of digital engagement. 

Stay ahead of trends, foster genuine connections with your participants, and never stop pushing the boundaries of what your brand can achieve through the power of killer contests. 

Now, armed with this checklist and the insights from our newsletter, you're ready to implement a contest strategy that doesn't just meet expectations – it obliterates them. Go forth and conquer the world of audience engagement!